Sunday, November 22, 2009

Why I hate Blackberry

This is going to sound like a typical wife's rant, but I hate my husband's Blackberry from the bottom of my heart. It's like the other woman in our marriage, keeping his mind straying away from home and family. He just can't resist its chimes and flashes. He checks it first thing at the start of each day, even before wishing me and our kids a good morning! On his days off he keeps going back to it by force of habit, spinning the dial and checking messages that could surely wait for the other side of the weekend. At airports, doctors' offices or anywhere else we need to wait, he turns to his Blackberry for comfort and companionship. It's as if the kids and I aren't even there! He's either answering emails or playing games. He's unable to function without that sleek, shiny black temptress touching his skin! To be fair, I must confess that he loves me to death and lets me know that often enough, but I could surely do without competition from what is essentially a mobile phone on steroids.


  1. That is technology for you - it is addictive and intrudes when intrusion is not wanted...

  2. If you can't beat it... I have been known to just text my husband in order to get him to do something for me. He feels naked without Blackberry in pocket and won't do anything without it! We've had to compromise about usage, and Blackberry has been banned from dinner table. If doubt arises amidst a conversation, no fact will ever go ungoogled, providing a neverending stream of unsolicited knowledge.
    I've been thinking of getting an i-phone myself ;-)

  3. Rupa,Totally hear You!
    As more and more women experience feelings of alienation Golf widows aren't the only kind out there.Tech Widows seem to be on a steady steep rise.Alas!
    I wonder how many Men realise that this is a huge price to pay. Not only is it increasing the rate of depression in women with BB weilding husbands but also shaking the trust and faith developed over years in delicately balanced interpersonal relationships-esp marital reationships.
    While women may be referring to BB's as 'the other woman' or 'objects of desire' in a lighter vein,talking about it's curves and attractive packaging, there is damage being done internally.Precious time with kids,wives & family life is sacrificed to meet deadlines and stay on top of official affairs.
    My question is.. Is it really that or have husbands finally found in BB's a mute,non aggressive,ever aggreable companion ready on command to deliver,acknowledge and entertain?
    As we debate on the appropriatness of a third person in a relationship we now debate on the logic of the need to stay connected via a BB..even on the wk-ends!!Give us a break!

    As each woman sets her own rules on that at home there needs to be more dialogue on banning future products that invade family life,space and most of all quality TIME!!
    P.s-Not to say that women don't hv BB's but they also multitask and prefer not to wake up to the burring of their gadgets first thing in the morning ;)

  4. Priya D, well said. Technology is a knife that really does cut both ways. A necessary evil if ever there was one. Sometimes I feel life was much simpler, nicer before cell phones invaded our homes. I suppose there's no going back, but we really need to learn to exercise some moderation and restraint. The affliction seems more severe in men somehow. The mobile phone appears to have become an extension of their masculinity.

  5. hey are the spokesperson for all of us who are at our wits end in the face of this competition!!!

  6. Shilpa, after a point we just won't be able to compete. Think about it. The competition updates itself practically every year, getting slimmer, glitzier and more efficient. How can we keep up?
