Sunday, November 15, 2009

Taking the magic out of magic

I'm really conflicted about this. My kids have lately been watching Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed, a television programme that gives away all the tricks magicians use for their trade's most popular acts.

On the one hand I'm happy that the boys are now questioning every magic trick, wondering what sleight of hand has been used to pull it off. They are constantly trying to guess the secret - there's a hidden trapdoor; the magician has the ball up his sleeve; there's another assistant behind the screen etc. etc.

But on the other hand I feel a little bad that the magic has been lost. When we were children, a magic show was truly mesmerising. We really believed some people possessed extraordinary skills that helped them defy natural laws. All of us suspected in the backs of our minds that there had to be some other explanation for what we saw being done, but most didn't question it beyond a point. We just enjoyed those few moments of wonderment.

Magic's Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed has put an end to that, at least for my boys. Is that a good thing? I'm not sure. But I do hope that my kids appreciate the skill and dexterity that go into performing magic on stage.

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